Thank you for your skeleton sprite! The animations and colors are really well done. I am currently using them in a small platformer game I am working on here, TOWER ASCENT
Hi, can you please make it so they are individual sprites and also can you make them attacking, walking, dieing, rolling, running, etc. so that it is going up down right and left
Hey Guys here is my Video game i ve created by using this asset and its ben super perfect awsome 2d platformer story game :) based on real Gladiator SPARTACUS hope you try, have fun and give nice comments
thank you so much for this great asset dear creator btw 👍
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Thank you I used you assets but the game in in the makeing but I dont have a link.
Hello, I have used your game assets in my action game, which can be found at
Thank you for providing these resources!
I used this in my game demo. Super awesome design. Thanks!
it is good ! 5 starts
Thank you for this.
This is perfect.
I will use this in my project and I also start a new enemy series.
I am using it on the video. Check it if you are interested!!!
great design
Thank you for your skeleton sprite! The animations and colors are really well done. I am currently using them in a small platformer game I am working on here, TOWER ASCENT
play the death animation in reverse and you also have a revive animation
Hi!! Love this asset, used it for a game, just built a test build/level if you are interested. Thank you for your awesome spritesheet.
Great sprite thank you.
beautiful sprite thanks!
I will credit you in my game called HellTrooper when its finished
Love your asset.
Great work!
I've used this skeleton in my game:
Hi, can you please make it so they are individual sprites and also can you make them attacking, walking, dieing, rolling, running, etc. so that it is going up down right and left
ps can you make then pngs
Thank you for this great enemy asset! I used it in my tower defense game and credited you. I'd love to see more work from you!
My game, if interested:
Hey Guys here is my Video game i ve created by using this asset and its ben super perfect awsome 2d platformer story game :) based on real Gladiator SPARTACUS hope you try, have fun and give nice comments
thank you so much for this great asset dear creator btw 👍
¿Uso comercial?
dijo que puedes usarlo para cualquier cosa
traductor de google usado, perdón por los errores
This is amazing...Thanks, I'll share my work too and attribute you
I made a dungeon platformer games using free assets, the skeleton fit super well with the asthetics!
Dungeon Platformer
I love this design could you possibly make more enemy’s
it’s been a while - but if you have any ideas I might try it
well you could add a archer or Some type of flying mob like a bat
You are god!
hello im a programmer do you want to make a game?
I like the way his leg has that jerky twitch in the idle pose, looks neat.
Would it be possible for you to put the skelly under a standard license? CC-BY is the standard 'use however you want (commercially, noncommercially, whatever), but you have to credit me' license ( ), and CC0 is the 'do literally whatever you want, legally speaking I give permission for ANYTHING' license ( )
Basically I want to make sure I credit everyone and it's a lot easier to keep track when licenses are standard.
BTW would you prefer to bed credited as 'astrobob' and link back to this exact page, or is there some other page you'd like me to link to instead?
Linking my page would be perfectly fine
thanks, will do
Hello cool style. Can you write your mail or twitter?
Sure: @AstrobobPixe
AstrobobPixel ?
yea, sorry
open private messages, i can't write to you
Thank you very much! :)
wohooo! letz prototype now!!